The Great(est) Gatsby

We’re back safely from the west, and picking up the blog where we left off.

On Friday Night, we walked the swift block to our neighborhood theatre—the historic Gate.  The Gate—which has a rep for lots of traditional theatre and audience members of a certain age (no offense, parents and grandparents!)—totally flipped the script.  Theatre seats were uninstalled and Gatsby’s mansion was set up in their stead.  As we strolled this interactive theatre experience (read: the swinging party at Gatsby’s mansion), we learned the Charleston, played truth or dare with Myrtle, and even took word from Gatsby as he headed to the pool.  It was fun, frenzied, and very moving.

Mr. Gatsby didn’t allow photography at the mansion, of course, but we snuck in a few shots anyway.

Pre-theatre selfie.

Mrs. Mead’s contraband intermission stealth selfie.

After the show.