Dear Abbey

Moring came early in Dublin City as our intrepid band of writers stepped off their transatlantic flight.

Rather than let the jet lag get them down, we strolled down to the Abbey Theatre for a backstage tour.  We got a crash course in the Irish Revival and the Abbey’s cultural and political history.  Founded by W.B. Yeats and Lady Gregory in 1914, Ireland’s National Theatre has had a storied past! We walked the halls, bypassed dressing rooms, and took a gander at the wig workshop (human and yak hair pictured below, dear reader!).  We even stepped on to the Abbey’s mainstage.

We got a quick hit of caffeine over lunch when we ordered some bubble teas.  Mrs. Hubbard and Mrs. Mead’s first boba!

In the afternoon, we sat in the sunshine on bustling St. Stephen’s Green for our orientation. Student interviews produced a range of fascinating biographical detail from our group–how they would spend a million dollars, which superhero they’d be, and who their favorite Kardashian is.

It was an early dinner and early night for our weary travelers, but look out for more scenes from Dublin City soon!